PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI I’M SMART (Information Management System for Measuring student Achievement in Real Time) DALAM PROSES PENILAIAN MAHASISWA PPP NERS FIKES UNRIYO

Wahyu Rochdiat Murdhiono, Lindung Siswanto


Pendidikan profesi ners FIKES UNRIYO menggunakan metode student centered learning (SCL) dalam pembelajarannya. Dalam metode SCL, mahasiswa terlibat tidak hanya dengan sesama mahasiswa, tetapi juga dosen, perawat, tenaga kesehatan lain, pasien dan keluarga pasien dalam pembelajarannya. Hal ini memerlukan umpan balik dari dosen dan lahan praktik untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang ideal. Salah satu jenis umpan balik adalah penilaian formatif yang bersifat obyektif dari dosen atau clinical instructor (CI) dan mahasiswa dapat meningkatkan kemampuannya berdasarkan hasil evaluasi tersebut. Hasil analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan bahwa dosen pengampu banyak menunda mengumpulkan nilai ke koordinator stase. Penundaan tersebut umumnya disebabkan ketidakdisiplinan dosen melakukan penilaian dan keterlambatan pemberian file master table nilai oleh Akademik Fakultas. Peneliti mengembangkan aplikasi I’M SMART (Information Management System for Measuring student Achievement in Real Time ) yang memudahkan dosen melakukan penilaian proses secara real time. Uji coba dilakukan pada dosen dan mahasiswa di stase gerontik PPP Ners. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa I’M SMART dapat membantu dosen melakukan penilaian secara real time dan mahasiswa dapat melihat nilai selama proses belajarnya. Peneliti berharap I’M SMART dapat terus disempurnakan sehingga dapat digunakan menjadi sistem informasi penilaian yang baku tidak hanya bagi PPP Ners tapi juga bagi program studi lain yang membutuhkan.

Kata kunci: Aplikasi, Penilaian, Mahasiswa Profesi

The professional education of FIKES UNRIYO students uses the student centered learning (SCL) method in their learning. In the SCL method, students are involved not only with fellow students, but also lecturers, nurses, other health workers, patients and families of patients in their learn ing. This requires feedback from lecturers and practice land to create an ideal learning environment. One type of feedback is objective formative assessment from lecturers or clinical instructors (CIs) and students can improve their abilities based on the results of these evaluations. The results of the needs analysis show that many lecturers postpone collecting scores to the stase coordinator. The delay is generally due to the indiscipline of the lecturer to assess and delay the granting of the master table value file by the Academic Faculty. The researcher developed the application I 'M SMART (Information Management System for Measuring Student Achievement in Real Time) which makes it easier for lecturers to conduct process assessments in real time. The trial was carried out on lecturers and students at the PPP Ners gerontik stage. The results of the trial show that I 'M SMART can help lecturers conduct assessments in real time and students can see the value during the learning process. The researcher hopes that I 'M SMART can continue to be improved so that it can be used as a standard assessment information system not only for PPP Ners but also for other study programs in need.

Keywords: Application, Assessment, Professional Students

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