
  • Desty Ervira Puspaningtyas, Sri Kadaryati


Prevalensi diabetes mellitus masih tinggi di beberapa wilayah Indonesia. Salah satu pilar yang membantu penanganan diabetes mellitus adalah edukasi gizi. Mengingat pentingnya carbohydrate counting dalam penanganan diet pasien diabetes mellitus, maka ahli gizi bertanggung jawab dalam penyebaran informasi tersebut kepada pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kesiapan ahli gizi dalam menerapkan materi carbohydrate counting pada konsultasi gizi ditinjau dari gambaran pengetahuan dan sikap ahli gizi. Studi ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan desain narrative yang memiliki penekanan terhadap narasi atau interpretasi. Subjektivitas ahli gizi digali sedalam mungkin melalui in-depth interview. Studi dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga bulan Oktober 2016 di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta dengan melibatkan lima ahli gizi sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian ditampilkan secara narasi. Pengetahuan ahli gizi mengenai carbohydrate counting masih kurang khususnya mengenai pengertian dan penerapan carbohydrate counting dalam diet pasien diabetes. Selain itu, sebagian besar ahli gizi merasa bahwa materi carbohydrate counting kurang penting untuk disampaikan dalam konsultasi gizi terkait dengan waktu dan tenaga yang dibutuhkan dalam konsultasi. Indonesia masih membutuhkan upaya khusus agar lebih siap menerapkan materi carbohydrate counting bagi pasien diabetes mellitus.

Kata kunci : carbohydrate counting, diabetes mellitus, konsultasi gizi, pengetahuan, sikap

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is still high in some regions of Indonesia. One of the pillars that helps in overcoming diabetes mellitus is nutritional education. Because carbohydrate counting is one of the best methods in the diet plan of diabetic patients, nutritionists are responsible for disseminating this information to the patients. This study aims to describe the readiness of nutritionists in applying carbohydrate counting to nutritional consultations in terms of the description of the knowledge and attitudes of nutritionists. This was a qualitative study with narrative design which had an emphasis on narrative or interpretative. Subjectivity of the nutritionists was explored as deeply as possible through in-depth interviews. The study was conducted in March-October 2016 at RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta by involving five nutritionists. The results of the research were presented in a narrative. Nutritionists' knowledge regarding carbohydrate counting was still lacking especially regarding the understanding and application of carbohydrate counting in the diet of diabetic patients. In addition, most nutritionists felt that carbohydrate counting was less important to include in nutritional consultations related to the time and energy needed in the consultation. Indonesia still needs special efforts to be better prepared to apply carbohydrate counting for diabetic patients.

Keywords: carbohydrate counting, diabetes mellitus, nutritional counseling, knowledge, attitude


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