Evi Nopiyanti, Agus Joko Susanto, Tata Sutabri, Ari Muhamad Ridwan, Reni Febrianti


Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a set of health problems associated with air quality in a building or room where complaints are not specific to residents in the building. Some symptoms are experienced, such as mucous membrane symptoms, general symptoms, and skin symptoms. Many factors can cause symptoms of SBS, such as individual employee characteristics and physical factors of the room. Conditions in Unit OK of Cilandak Marine Hospital, the office uses Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), the floor uses carpet, the outer wall is tightly closed (air tight), and the results of measurements of airborne bacterial colonies range from 946 - 1304 CFU / m3, (exceeding TLV). Complaints experienced by employees are eye irritation, dry skin, headaches, coughing, and runny nose. The purpose of this study was to find out what factors are associated with sick building syndrome symptoms in employees in the OK unit of Marine Cilandak, South Jakarta. Retrieving data by conducting interviews and observations (on gender, age, smoking habits, working period, working hours, nutritional status); take measurements (on temperature, humidity, number of bacteria); and conducting documentation studies. The method of taking air samples using the active method, namely impingement sampling. Then the sample is cultured with spread plate method. Then the data were analyzed using laboratory tests and statistical tests (cross sectional). The nine variables, which correlated statistically significantly was the period of work (p value = 0.019; OR 3.636) and room temperature (p value = 0.013; OR 4.386). Factors related to SBS are work period and room temperature.

Keywords: Sick Building Syndrome, symptoms, airborne bacterial colonies, CFU/m3

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