Santi Damayanti, Nazwar Hamdani Rahil


Diabetic foot problems as a result of hyperglycemia and trauma due to lack of patients undergoing examination and foot care. Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) is giving patients knowledge about self-care strategies independently to improve the quality of life of their patients. Ngaglik I Health Center is one of the health centers with a large number of DM patients in the Sleman region. Based on a preliminary study 7 of 10 DM patients had diabetic foot problems in the form of callus, hallux valgus, thinning leg hair, cracked feet, scaly skin, and ulcers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of DSME diabetic self care foot behavior and the incidence of diabetic foot problems in Ngaglik I Sleman Yogyakarta health center. The type of research was Quasi Experiment with a nonequivalent control group design. Sampling techniques are consecutive sampling and simple randomization. The statistical analysis used is using the Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test formula. The results of the study analyzed the mean differences in the behavior of self care foot diabetic pre and post DSME in the intervention group p value 0.018, while in the control group p value 0.720. The results of the analysis of mean differences in diabetic self care foot behavior after DSME in the intervention and control groups with P value 0.001. The results of different mean analysis of pre and DSME diabetic foot problems in the intervention group p value 0.010, while in the control group p value 1,000. The results of the analysis of the mean difference in diabetic foot problems after DSME in the intervention and control groups with P value 0.007. DSME effectively improves diabetic foot self-care behavior and reduces the incidence of diabetic foot problems.

Keywords: diabetic foot, self care, self management

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