Maria Linggar Pratiwi, Sumijatun, Tri Suratmi


Background and Objectives: The sterilization center has a role as one of the links to the infection control process and also has a role in efforts to reduce the incidence of infection. In a preliminary study 7 patients in developed countries and 10 in developing countries out of every 100 patients admitted to the hospital will get at least one nasocomial infection. The European Center Disease Prevention and Control estimates that 4,131,000 patients are affected by nasocomial infections each year in Europe and cause an additional 16 million days of hospital care and 37,000 deaths caused by nasocomial infections. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the management of sterilization installations at BMC Mayapada Hospital in 2019. Method: This research is a research operational research using descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Results and Discussion: the results of research from HR still join the organizational structure of the operating room, for the room and CSSD location not in accordance with the standards of the CSSD guideline in 2009 and for facilities still sufficiently targeting the sterilization process at BMC Mayapada Hospital. Conclusion: the researcher can conclude that the central sterilization room at BMC Mayapada Hospital is not in accordance with the CSSD guidelines in 2009. Suggestion: this hospital need to have your own room for the sterilization center at BMC Mayapada Hospital

Keywords: Center for sterilization, location, room, hospital

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