Nurbita Fajarini Sri Ratnaningsih Ismarwati


The prevalence of cesarean section (CS) worldwide has increased, both with medical indications and without indication. CS has short and long term risks that have an impact on women's health and quality of life. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to review the literature on the quality of life of women with a history of cesarean section. Method: Systematic literature review used the PubMed and ProQuest databases with a period of 2008-2018. Result: Among 1529 initial articles identified, there were 10 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The quality of life of women with a history of cesarean section included physical, psychological, social and environmental health. CS had a negative impact on quality of life, and the quality of life of women with a history of CS tended to be lower compared to women who underwent vaginal delivery, especially in the physical health domain. Conclusion: The quality of life of women with a history of CS tended to be lower in the domain of physical health compared to women with vaginal birth history. It is expected that women with a history of CS make efforts to improve quality of life e.g. with physical activity (yoga, jogging, etc.). Healthcare providers are expected to be able to promote vaginal delivery, improve quality and safety in delivery services, and perform services in the form of postnatal home visits especially after CS.

Keywords: Quality of Life, Cesarean section

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