Asyifa Robiatul Adawiyah, Tri Suratmi, Tri Budi W. Rahardjo


Elderly women who had the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis are reported to have a higher, more pain, and loss of knee function related to quality of life (27.5%) compared to elderly males (21.8%). The purpose of this study was to examine the quality of life of elderly women with knee osteoarthritis. Method, this study is a cross sectional research design with a linear regression analysis method. The population were all elderly women with osteoarthritis (age> 45 years) in General Hospital of Bekasi as many as 80 elderly women were taken by consecutive sampling. Data was collected by interviews with a questionnaire. The Variables analyzed demographic characteristics such as age, body mass index (BMI), education, exercise routine, a history of osteoarthritis in their family, employment status, and the use of walking aids to determines about factors that associated with osteoarthritis index through the instrument of WOMAC (the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index) as a measuring instrument joint pain and disability of osteoarthritis patients,we correlate the osteoarthritis index to the quality of life through a questionnaire WHOQOL-OLD. The average score obtained is 2.71 in the Standardized Total Score (range 1-5) in the WHOQOL-OLD guide, which means they have a poor quality of life with the correlation value obtained from the relationship of the Osteoratritis Index with quality of life is r = - 0.601 (p value <0.001). Elderly women with knee osteoarthritis are in a position of poor quality of life.

Keywords: elderly, osteoarthritis, hospital

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