Maria Aditia W., Siti M. Sholihah


Facing this surge of elderly people, Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) or National Population and Family Planning Board in collaboration with various sectors are developing Strong Elderly Programs. Strong Elderly are elderly who can still work, do positive activities, do not feel excluded from society, and whose health is maintained. One of the elderly activities can be done in urban areas is to fill leisure time with gardening, by utilizing the potential of available land, both in the form of residential land, yards, roofs, public roads and river banks. Gardening activities carried out on the elderly proved to have a tremendous positive impact, improving health and mental well-being. This research method is a literature review, using ten articles that are relevant to the research topic. To be included in the report needed to measure the effect of gardening on reducing blood pressure in elderly hypertension and conducting an analysis of the relationship of gardening activities with a decrease in blood pressure in elderly hypertension. The results of the literature study show that gardening activities decrease blood pressure for elderly people with hypertension. Several studies have shown a positive relationship between gardening activities and a reduction in blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension.

Keywords: gardening, elderly, hypertension.

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