Kadek Yuke Widyantari, Sulistyaningsih, Indriani


The Implementation of Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) or known as PONEK in Indonesia since 2005 is expected to reduce the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR). Based on the latest MMR survey it still looks quite high (305 deaths per 100.000 live births in 2015). Indonesia must reach the SDGs target in 2030 (70 deaths per 100,000 live births). The number of district hospitals that capable for CEmONC is low (25%), a government hospital that provides CEmONC (86%), the ability to provide blood transfusions is low (55%), adequate blood supply (41% Government Hospital and 13% Private Hospital). The Purpose of this Systematic Literature Review is to identify the effectiveness of the CEmONC on maternal mortality. This Systematic Literature Review of 7 articles, obtained from 3 databases (PubMed, Sciencedirect, Proquest). Inclusion criteria (CEmONC Health Workers, CEmONC Hospital, patients, articles from 2009-2018, Full text, quantitative study design). Critical Appraisal with Joanna Brigs. From the 7 articles reviewed by Dumont et al (2017), Lindtjorn et al (2017), Nyamtena et al (2017), Maru et al (2017) prove the effectiveness of quality CEmONC services reduces maternal mortality and increases institutional labor. The Wilunda et al (2015) study, Ntambue et al (2017), and Tembo et al (2017) prove that poor CEmONC services are associated with high maternal complications and mortality. The existence of good quality CEmONC hospitals can effectively reduce maternal mortality, poor access and quality of CEmONC increase obstetric complications and maternal mortality. Periodic evaluations are needed by relevant government agencies to maintain the quality of CEmONC.

Keywords: CEmONC, maternal, mortality

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