ND Larasaty, T Salawati, A Demartoto, Sulaeman


Adolescence is identical to puberty which includes pre-marital sex behavior. The impact is the problem of unwanted pyregnancy. Semarang City Health Office data about the incidence of unwanted pregnancy shows an increasing trend from 2014 as many as 104 cases to 248 cases in 2017. Unwanted pregnancy became a serious problem in adolescents in coastal areas. The work of their parents is mostly fishermen who spend a lot of time at sea. They grow up experiencing puberty without intensive mentoring / monitoring from parents. This study aims to determine the perceptions of girl adolescent in coastal areas on unwanted pregnancies, as well as inventory other influencing factors. This study uses a qualitative research method. Collecting data by indepth interviews with informants and observations on the north coast region. The research location is in Bandarhajo Village and Tanjung Mas Village, Semarang City. Girl adolescent in coastal areas have a perception of the usual unwanted pregnancy in the present. There are no sanctions that make their position cornered both mentally and socially. Social media content tends to be permissive and even strengthens the perception that unwanted pregnancy in adolescents is usual. In addition, the surrounding environment, colleagues and schools and teachers reinforce permissiveness, neglect, and adaptive values in the surrounding community. Most girl adolescent in the northern coastal area consider that the effects of unwanted pregnancies are not serious but natural, and there is no need to worry.

Keywords: perception, adolescent, unwanted, pregnancy

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