Nabilatul Fanny, Novita Yuliani, Amelia Christine, Etik Yuniarsih


Satisfaction is a comprehensive part of health service quality assurance activities, where patient satisfaction is one of the important dimensions of health service quality, so patient satisfaction is one of the goals of improving the quality of health services. The aim of this study is to find out what factors determine patient satisfaction in outpatient services at the PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu General Hospital. The method of this research is descriptive analytic, using a cross sectional approach where the determinants of patient satisfaction are independent variables, while outpatient services are dependent variables. The sample used as many as 100 respondents of outpatients, taking samples using accidental sampling technique. Processing is done by Chi-Square test. Data presentation is done in univariate and bivariate. Based on univariate analysis, it can be seen that the service at the registration site is 80% good and 20% is not good, 66% good doctor services and 34% are not good, 65% pharmacy services are good and 35% are not good, hospital facilities 68% good and 32% not good, overall patients who were satisfied with outpatient care were 71% and not satisfied as much as 29%. While the results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between service at the registration site and patient satisfaction (p value = 0.001), there was a relationship between physician care and patient satisfaction (p value = 0.001), there was a relationship between pharmacy service and patient satisfaction (p value = 0.001), and there is a relationship between facilities in the hospital and patient satisfaction. The factors that determine patient satisfaction in outpatient services at PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu General Hospital are services at the registration site, services provided by doctors, services at pharmacies, and facilities provided at the hospital.

Keywords: patient satisfaction, outpatient, health service quality

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