Sonnya B. Saubaki, Ayu Fitriani, Merita Eka Rahmuniyati


In Indonesia, food labeling issue only received little attention and only 6,7% of consumers are paying attention to food labeling standards. There are several factors which affect the reading compliance of food products labeling such as knowladge, attitude, age, occupation, gender, education, and information exposure. Labeling of food is a primary means of communication between producers and consumers. The aim of the research to know the correlation between the knowledge of food products labeling with reading compliance of food products labeling among mothers in Tajem Sub-District Maguwoharjo. This research was an observational analytic research with cross sectional study design. This research was conducted in May 2017. The population in this study was mothers in Tajem Sub-District Maguwoharjo with a population of 360 households. The sampling technique used was Cluster Sampling and analysis technique used was Rank Spearman. The level of knowledge of mothers with good category were as many as 41 people (52,6%), mother’s attitude which supports were as many as 44 people (56,4%) and compliance mothers read food product labels were as many as 48 people (61,5%). The results of the analysis showed p-value = 0.000 of knowledge level’s and atttude with. Correlation of knowledge level and attitude food products labeling with reading compliance of food products labeling among mothers.

Keywords: knowledge of mothers, attitude of mothers, compliance on food products labelling


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