Aprilia Susanti, Fitria Eka Resti, Reni purbanova


Hypertension is a public health problem that occurs a lot, many people do not realize that they suffer from hypertension, this is due to symptoms that are not real and at an early stage before causing serious health problems, new symptoms are evident at age 50s. Because Its presence is still difficult to detect and control, it is not surprising if hypertension is dubbed as "the silent killer" or an unexpected killer. The chemicals contained in hypertension drugs will have an impact on the body if taken too long. Nonpharmacological therapy can be given to patients with hypertension such as Banana Ambon (Musa Acuminata). Ambon banana plant (Musa acuminata 2011) flourishes in tropical regions such as Indonesia. Besides its relatively safe and healthy use, Ambon banana is also cheap and
easy to obtain. But now its existence is only known as just fruits and basic ingredients for making snacks and drinks. Therefore, research on Ambon banana is very important to do. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Cavendish Subgroup Musa acuminata (Ambon Banana) in Reducing Blood Pressure.

Keywords : musa acuminata cavendish subgroup, ambon banana, blood pressure


musa acuminata cavendish subgroup, ambon banana, blood pressure

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Copyright (c) 2020 Aprilia Susanti, Fitria Eka Resti, Reni purbanova