Juanda Syafitasari, Fitria, Esitra


The main problem of iron in pregnancy is adherence, because women often fail to take supplement regularly as medical worker recommendation because of various factors and this also thought to be potential to increase high prevalence of anemia in pregnant women.The purpose ofthis systematic review is to find out the factors that are related to pregnant mother adherence towards iron consumption. This apprasial study used Joana Briggs Institute (JBI), and the sythetic method used PEOS modification.The result of five journals that fulfills inclusion criteria obtained factors that influence pregnant women adherence in consuming iron supplements that are age, education, occupation, knowledge, socio-economy, and ANC visits.There are relationship of pregnant women adherence in consuming fe tablets with age, education, knowledge, ANC visits, occupation parity and parity. Factor that most related to pregnant women adherence in consuming fe tablets is ANC frequency.

Keywords: adherence, factors, consumption, iron supplements, and pregnancy


adherence, factors, consumption, iron supplements, and pregnancy

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