Nurminingsih, Sylvia Sari Rosalina, Wansaria Bancin


The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of performance appraisal on job satisfaction, the effect of performance appraisal on work performance and the influence of job satisfaction and work performance. The method used by the writer in this study is a method with a quantitative approach with the type of descriptive research and data analysis techniques of this research by using Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). Data collection techniques used are field research using questionnaires, interviews and study literature. test for validity and reliability, and test linearity assumptions. The population of this study was all non-civil servant employees of the Regional General Hospital at a number of 133 people as the research sample. From the results of research conducted, the authors get a description of the variables of performance appraisal that have a significant positive effect on job satisfaction. Performance appraisal has a significant negative effect on work performance and performance appraisal has a positive and not significant effect on work performance. Linearity test results: performance appraisal variables with significant job satisfaction, performance appraisal variables with significant work performance and job satisfaction variable with significant work performance variable. The assumption of linearity can be said to be fulfilled by using GSCA, the predictive power of observation variables at the individual level and at the construct level. The results of GSCA analysis test for performance appraisal variable measurement model (X1) is 18.53 * significant at 95% confidence level, the results of GSCA analysis test for measurement of work satisfaction indicator (Y1) model is 11.87 (CR).

Keywords: job satisfaction, performance appraisal, work performance

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