Setyaningsih, Zakiyah


The Government's efforts to accelerate the reduction of maternal and infant mortality rate were carried out with various efforts, one of which was through increasing knowledge and changing behavior of mothers and families. Programs held by the ministry of health to support the effort was antenatal class. .Antenatal education program recommended for a pregnant woman and a spouse by the a health care professional in many parts of the world .The issue of health service for pregnant women in Indonesia which was already carried out during it is still a personal service in the required in accordance or on each visit pregnant women. The aim of this study to determine the effectiveness antenatal class in an effort to increase maternal knowledge about pregnancy care. The form of activities carried out was by forming antenatal class. The stages of this activity began with identifying pregnant women with questionnaires, forming classes for pregnant women, conducting pre-tests before meetings, delivering information about pregnancy care ( in four meetings) and conducting post tests. Analysts of differences in knowledge of pre and post test mothers were carried out using the Paired T-Test. The initial identification, it was known that pregnant women had high enthusiasm (94.12%) to take antenatal class because mothers would get information about pregnancy and there were still 70% of pregnant women who had never antenatal class, so it was formed. After attending antenatal class from each meeting it was found that the average knowledge of mothers increased compared to before attending antenatal class. The results paired t-test it is recognized that significant differences knowledge pregnant women before and after attended antenatal class. Antenatal class is one of the effective activities to increase the knowledge of pregnant women because obtained information from sources, mothers could information sharing with others.

Keywords: antenatal class, knowledge, pregnancy

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