Nurhayati, Siwi Dwi Ariyanti


Filling is a medical record data processing unit that is responsible for the existence of medical record documents. The medical record document is a written record of the patient's medical history used by health workers when the patient's service process causes the medical record document to be quickly available and traceable.PKU Aisyiyah Boyolali Hospital was chosen as a case study in this study. It is Often found not to record documents out of filling, do not have tracer, document misfeeds (misfile), return of late medical record documents and difficulties in tracking the existence of medical record documents.The purpose of this study is to build a computer application to process data in the filling unit. Furthermore, making computer applications through stages :(1) identification of problems; (2) designing and; (3) implementation, able to produce computer applications that can produce : (1) tracer; (2) record borrowing medical record documents; (3) record the return of document records medical and; (4) processing loan report, return and control of medical record documents.

Keywords: computerized, medical record document, patient, application

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