Dinni Agustin, Magdalena Evi, Yuna Trisuci Aprillia


Hypertension is a disease caused by blood pressure that exceeds the normal blood pressure limit. Based on a preliminary study conducted by the researchers at the Kembayan Sub-District Health Center, Sanggau District, West Kalimantan in January to April 2018, there were 79, 37% of the incidence of hypertension in the elderly of 160 elderly in the posyandu [integrated post]. The aim of the study was to find out factors associated with the incidence of hypertension in elderly at Kembayan District Health Center, Sanggau District, West Kalimantan in 2018. This study used a quantitative approach with cross sectional design data obtained using primary and secondary data, and the instruments of the research is questionnaire. The study was conducted in December 2018- January 2019. The population and sample of the study were 127 elderly. The results showed that the majority of respondents who suffered from hypertension amounted 84 people (66%), bivariate analysis with chi-square test all variables related to the incidence of hypertension namely nutritional status (0.018), gender (0.002), and history family (0,000). Recommendation: the Puskesmas conducts periodic counseling and health checks for the elderly, in order to prevent more chronic diseases.

Keywords: hypertension, nutritional status, sex, family history

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