D P Sari, M Firdaufan, A R Saputra


Elderly patients are patients who go through the final stages of human life span. The support of health workers is very instrumental in encouraging the interest of elderly patients to have the ability to be independent in their daily activities in a clean and healthy life. Based on the preliminary survey, it is known that elderly patients In Puskesmas Bringin Region live far from close families, so they need support from health workers to improve their independence in their daily activities in clean and healthy life. The purpose of the study was the relationship of support of health workers with the ability to be independent in the daily activities of clean and healthy life of elderly patients In Puskesmas Bringin Region. This study is analytical using a quantitative method with a cross sectional study approach. The population in the study was 130 respondents with a sample of 98 respondents. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling technique. The independent variable of this study is the support of health workers and the dependent variable of the ability of independence in daily activities of clean and healthy life. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the chi-square statistical test. The results showed that the majority of health staff support In Puskesmas Bringin Region was in the good category of 55 people (56.12%) and most of the independence ability in the daily activities of clean and healthy living In Puskesmas Bringin Region was independent as many as 66 people (67.35%). The results of this study of 98 respondents based on the results of Chi-Square test significance between the variables of health worker support and the ability of independence in daily activities of clean and healthy life is known that the value of Ï is 0.003 <α (0.05), then Ho is rejected and declared there is a relationship between the support of health workers with the ability to be independent in the daily activities of clean and healthy living In Puskesmas Bringin Region. The conclusion obtained by this study is that there is a relationship between the support of health workers with the ability to be independent in the daily activities of clean and healthy living In Puskesmas Bringin Region.

Keywords: Support from Health Officers, Independence Ability for Daily Activities Clean and Healthy Life, Elderly Patients

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