R Widaryanti .


Indonesia is a country located on the Ring of Fire which causes high potential for natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions that require residents to evacuate if a disaster occurs. In places where refugees often establish public kitchens sometimes have not facilitated the provision of complementary feeding food for infants and toddlers so that the mother decides to provide instant food to her child. community health volunteer are expected to be able to handle this condition so as to reduce the incidence of mortality in vulnerable groups such as infants and toddlers. The aim of this study Obtain a description of community health volunteer knowledge about IYCF in disaster conditions in Yogyakarta.This research is a mix methods research, a qualitative approach to explore the pre-disaster IYCF readiness and a quantitative approach to describe community health volunteer knowledge about IYCF in disaster conditions. Sampling uses purposive sampling technique. Respondents in this research were 50 community health volunteer in Yogyakarta. The results of the study showed that from 50 community health volunteer, only 10 (20%) had participated in IYCF training. There were 56% of respondents having moderate level of knowledge and 16% of posyandu community health volunteer had a high level of knowledge about IYCF in disaster conditions. Not all community health volunteer have received training on IYCF in disaster conditions, and only a small proportion of community health volunteer have a high level of knowledge about IYCF in disaster conditions.

Keywords : eraly breastfeeding Inisiation, exclusive breastfeeding, copmlementaryfeeding, IYCF, disaster

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