Izattul Azijah, Santi Agustina, Miftahul Jannah


The population of the elderly has increased from year to year. Based on data from the Central Bureau of Population Statistics, the estimated population of Indonesia in 2016 was 258.70 million, an increase of 20.18 million compared to 2010 (238.52 million). Meanwhile, in 2035 the population is estimated to be 305.65 million. The living environment is an important factor that influences the quality of life of the elderly. Different living environments result in changes in the role of the elderly in adjusting. The difference in the residence of the elderly causes differences in health services obtained by the elderly. The general purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the quality of life between the elderly who live in family with the elderly who live in nursing home. This study is a comparative study with a cross-sectional design. The number of respondents is 60 elderly people consisting of 30 people who live in family and 30 people who live in nursing home with the sampling technique used is quota sampling technique. The results of statistical analysis using the Independent Sample T-Test showed that there were no differences in the general quality of life between the elderly who live in family with the elderly who live in nursing home (P Value = 0.136). As for each domain, namely Domain I (sensory abilities) has a pvalue of 0.035 (α <0.05), Domain II (autonomy) has p-value 0.392 (α> 0.05), Domain III (past, present and future activities) has a p-value of 0.084 (α> 0.05), while Domain IV (social participation) has a p-value of 0.827 (α> 0.05) , Domain V (death and dying) has p-value 0.013 (α <0.05), Domain VI (intimacy) has p-value 0.007 (α <0.05). It is expected that family members and administrators of nursing home will always provide support to the elderly by inviting them to maintain the sensory abilities of the elderly.

Keywords : quality of life, elderly, nursing home

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