Mutiara Solechah, Yekti Satriyandari, Dhesi Ari Astuti


Malnutrition is increasingly recognized as common and important health problem in many developing countries, as it has a serious long-term consequences for the child and the negative effects on their development. The most common form of malnutrition is iron deficiency, especially among children. Lack of iron is one of the most widespread nutritional disorder in developing countries and developed, so that a global health problem. Anemia can affect cognitive progress, performance in school, physical growth and behavior, and the ability of your child's immunity to disease. Meeting the needs of nutrition and micronutrient is especially important in children's development and their growth. Objective: Systematic this review is to conclude on the effect of malnutrition with the incidence of anemia in children in ASIA. Great influence on the incidence of malnutrition, anemia in children by 41% -70%. Malnutrition is one of the causes of anemia in children in developing countries in ASIA, and is also influenced by other factors, such as household socioeconomic status, type of fuel used in household and sanitary facilities, education level mother, children younger age, number of siblings and fever, ASI and IMD, Gender, Diarrhea in 2 weeks, anemia status of breastfeeding mothers.

Keywords: malnutrition, anemia

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WHO, 2018

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