Gaby Marchelin, Margaretha Arinanti, Puspita Mardika Sari


Mandai (fermented jackfruit) is traditional food from South Borneo. It was salted fermentation from rind part of Artocarpus champeden. Salt is contributing on the selection of microbial growth during fermentation processes of mandai, and potentially influence it’s nutrientsal content. Objective: To identify the effect of salt concentrations on the organoleptic and nutrientsal content (protein, fat, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber) of mandai. Methods : It was true experimental study with four treatment groups consists of 0%,2%,6% and 10% of salt consentrations. This study was done by completely randomized design with two times of each treatment. Orgnoleptic properties were examined by 30 panelis by using Hedonic scale test method. Data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis continued with post hoc Duncan Multiple Range Test. Nutrientsal content were examined by using proximate method and data were analyzed using Anova and continued using Duncan multiple range test. Results : This study found that variation of salt on the fermentation processed of mandai was significantly influence the organoleptic properties including in colour (p<0.0001), flavour (p=0.003), taste (p<0.0001), and texture (p=0,0043). The best of nutrientsal content of mandai were found in 10% of salt concentration which consist of 1,47% of protein, 16,22% of fat, 2,28% carbohydrates and 23,78% of dietary fiber. Conclusion : Consentrations of salt in the process of mandai fermentation were influence the organoleptic and nutrientsal properties of mandai.

Keywords: mandai, fermentation, jackfruit, salt

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