Faika Rachmawati, Tri Suratmi, Budiharto


One of the implementation of the national health system and access to health services is the searching treatment pattern. Street children have a high risk in health problems. The reluctance and unclear obstacle of street children in obtaining health services causes street children to find treatment by self-medication outside the health facilities so that it often brings impact on late diagnosis in overcoming diseases suffered by street children. This research has purpose to explore information about treatment searching behavior in street children in DKI Jakarta by looking for the relationship of knowledge, attitudes, availability of health insurance, accessibility of health services, social support with treatment searching behavior for street children in DKI Jakarta. The research design used cross sectional with a sample of 250 respondents from 7 shelters in DKI Jakarta. The sampling was conducted by cluster random sampling regardless of the strata that exist in that population and members of the population were considered homogeneous. Data collection was conducted in a quantitative method (survey) with questionnaires and qualitative (in-depth interviews). Diseases often suffered by respondents with headaches is 27.3% and fever 23.7%, 6.3% nausea, 4% itchy on the skin, itchy on genital 0.8%, difficulty of breathing 3.2%, ARI 16.6%, diarrhea 1.6%, toothache 5.1%, aches 5.4% and others 5.9%. Most of the respondents have positive behavior when they were sick or when experiencing health problems for 131 people (51.8%) and the first time they were sick was going to the Health Center for treatment with the number of respondents 106 people (41.9%). Most of the respondents had JKN health insurance, which was 175 people (69.2%) and 131 people (51.8%) used health services with JKN. A total of 143 people (56.5%) answered difficulties in obtaining health insurance. The bivariate analysis results show that there was a relationship between knowledge and treatment searching behavior on street children, with a p-value = 0.030 and the relationship between attitudes and treatment searching behavior, with p-value = 0.01 (p value <0.05). Knowledge and attitudes towards the searching behavior of street child treatment are basically quite good because they are above 50%. The searching treatment pattern for street children is more affected by the knowledge and attitudes shown by positive behavior when sick or experiencing health problems.

Keywords: behavior, searching treatment, street children.

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