Endah Tri Wahyuni, Tri Suratmi, Tri Budi W.Rahardjo


United Nation estimates that in 2050 the number of the world's elderly will reach 1.6 billion, Indonesia is ranked 4th in the country with the largest elderly population after China, India and America. The structure of the aging population in Indonesia is an indication of the higher average life expectancy. The life expectancy of Indonesians in 2015 is 70.8 years, projected to increase to 72.2 years in 2030-2035. The increase in the number of elderly people as a result of increasing life expectancy needs to be balanced with efforts to keep the elderly in good quality of life, so they can contribute to development. Yogyakarta is a province with the highest number of elderly presentations among 34 provinces in Indonesia, namely 13.4%. Yogyakarta is known as one of the cultural cities in Indonesia. The attitude of life in the Javanese tradition, which is still practiced by the older generation, needs to be pursued in the midst of the onslaught of foreign culture due to the advancement of information technology that has the potential to change the values of life. This research was conducted in Yogyakarta in 2016, to study the impact of the values of the Javanese tradition practiced by the elderly in their daily lives towards the quality of life. The study was conducted with quantitative and qualitative approaches, with a cross sectional design. The research sample amounted to 110 elderly taken from a population of 15,891 using random sampling techniques. The quality of life of the elderly was measured using the WHOQOL BREF instrument, cultural variables were measured using a questionnaire and carried out a qualitative study with indepth interviews and focus group discussions. Univariate, bivariate, and content analysis data analysis was done. The results showed that 82.7% of the elderly were the high quality of life. The values of the Javanese tradition practiced by the elderly have a very significant impact on quality of life, with an odd ratio of 97.7. As the conclusion: Javanese philosophy that is lived and practiced in daily life contributes to determining the quality of life for the elderly in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Keywords: Javanese philosophy, quality of life of the elderly

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