Akhmad Muttaqin, Sri Siswani, Midyawati Ahmad


The 2015 National Socio-Economic Survey (BPS) results show that Indonesia is among the four largest countries with the highest population age in the world, reaching 21.68 million or 8.43 percent of the total population. One health problem that often arises in the elderly population is a decline in cognitive function. The decline in cognitive function has an impact on decreasing daily social activities in the elderly which is a problem in public health, and has an impact on increasing family, community and government funding. This study aims to determine the relationship of physical activity to cognitive impairment in the elderly at the Social Institution Tresna Werdha Budhi Dharma Bekasi in 2017. The study design used was cross sectional in the primary data consisting of 87 respondents. The study was conducted in July 2017 using a questionnaire filled in by the respondents themselves, univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using chi-square. The results showed that 56.3% of the elderly had cognitive impairment. The statistical test results showed that there was a relationship between physical activity and impaired cognitive function in the elderly (pvalue=0,000). So it is expected that the elderly can be more independent in carrying out daily activities in accordance with the ability to minimize the incidence of injuries that occur.

Keywords: Cognitive Function, Physical Activity, Elderly

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