Meithyra Melviana Simatupang, Sri Tjahjani Budi Utami, Ema Hermawati


Mycobacterium tuberculosis exhaled by patients when coughing, sneezing, even speaking. Duration and frequency of exposure is important factor of TB transmission, especially in closed room. Therefore, household contact of TB patient is susceptible. This research aimed to find out the influence of share sleeping room with TB patient in home dense residential against tuberculosis symptoms existence at household contact of TB patient. This cross-sectional research collected data by interviewed 73 TB patients and their household contact. Results showed that household contact was suffered of TB symptoms if slept in same room with patient in crowded house. To avoid tuberculosis transmission, household contact is recommended to separate sleeping room with patient. Cross infection in crowded house can prevented by improved ventilation so that air circulation can occur and pathogenic bacteria in the air can be reduced.

Keywords : TB transmission scourge, share sleeping room

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