Lenna Maydianasari, Eko Mindarsih, Yuratni Sarience Liu


HIV transmission from HIV-infected mothers to their babies also tends to increase along with the increasing number of HIV positive women who are infected both from partners and due to risky behavior. The pregnant women who had PITC examination and the highest reported was in Public Health Center Gamping I and the lowest was in Depok II. Data obtained directly from Public Health Center Depok II Sleman Yogyakarta for the last 6 months from pregnant women who conducted a PITC examination of 119 people (7.7%) from 1,542 pregnant women. Many factors influence this condition. Therefore, research to identify factors that influence the perception of pregnant women is very necessary. This research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. The population was 104 pregnant women. Samples were taken using accidental sampling with a sample size of 51 pregnant women. Data were analyzed using Univariate and Bivariate analysis with Chi Square test. The characteristics of pregnant women were mostly 20-35 years old, secondary education graduates, multiparous and unemployed. Most of them had good knowledge, experience, good needs, high motivation and negative perception. The knowledge, experience and motivation on pregnant women’s have no in

Keywords : Pregnant women, PITC

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