Rizka Ayu Setyani


Female condoms can be an alternative to prevent HIV AIDS. But, not all female sex workers want to use it. Our study aimed to explore barriers to utilization of female condom. The study was the first to discuss about the use of female condom in Indonesia. The research design was a qualitative study was conducted in January to July 2017 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. We selected eleven female sex workers, eleven customers, and one peer educator for in-depth interviews. This study results found three barriers to female condom utilization at female sex workers in Yogyakarta. Lack of understanding about female condoms because female sex workers considered the use of female condoms that were difficult and less comfortable than male condoms. In fact, female sex workers have a low bargaining position, were less empowered and heavily dependent on their customers on condom used. Most customers did not want female sex workers used female condoms because they felt uncomfortable. In addition, the number of well-qualified female condoms were very limited and costly causes the low used of female condoms in female sex workers in Yogyakarta. So that, however still barriers in female condom utilization, but it can be solution as empowerment women.

Keywords: barriers, female condom, female sex workers, solution, utilization

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