Eko Mindarsih, Melania Wahyuningsih, Aulia Santri


In the event of pregnancy occur physiological and psychological changes. Psychological changes can cause anxiety. If the anxiety of pregnant women is not overcome, it can cause illness, complications of pregnancy and childbirth in both the mother and the baby. One of effective way to reduce anxiety in pregnant women with prenatal yoga and deep breathing relaxation. The aim of this study to determine the effectiveness of prenatal yoga and deep breathing relaxation on the anxiety of third trimester of pregnant women at Asih Waluyo Jati Clinic. This study was a quasiexperimental with pre and post test design non equivalent control group. The research samples was 32 pregnant women who were divided into 2 groups, 16 mothers of prenatal yoga groups and 16 mothers in relaxation groups. The analysis data used paired T Test. Analysis of paired T-Test differences in anxiety of pregnant women before and after prenatal yoga p value 0.01. Analysis of differences in anxiety of pregnant women before and after breathing relaxation in p value 0.04. The difference in prenatal yoga and deep breath relaxation p value 0.733. There is no difference in prenatal yoga and deep breathing relaxation towards the anxiety of pregnant women.

Keywords: prenatal yoga, deep breath relaxation, anxiety for pregnant women

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