Nur Fitri Ayu Pertiwi, Herlin Fitriani, Anjarwati


Unwanted pregnancy in adolescents is caused by the lack of reproductive health knowledge causing pre-marriage sex. The number of mothers mortality aged 15 – 19 years old is very high. This is due to complication during pregnancy and labor. Complication can also happen in fetus which caused low birth weight (LBW). The purpose of this study was to find the causes and effects of unwanted pregnancy in adolescents. The study employed systematic literature review by using PubMed and Science Direct database in January 2008 until December 2018. Unwanted pregnancy in adolescents happened due to the lack knowledge of reproductive health. The causes of unwanted pregnancy were the low lecel of social prosperity, poverty, forced sex, and raping. Adolescents did not know how to prevent pregnancy and did not understand the impact of unwanted pregnancy. The impact of unwanted pregnancy was different from one to another. Many impacts due to unwanted pregnancy were deppression, abortion wish, alianated by social environment, economy problem, and the raise of females’ health problems. Moreover, unwanted pregnancy usually repeated in the future. Department of health, department of education, and National Population and Family Planning Board are expected to build cross institutional collaboration in preventing unwanted pregnancy in adolescents.

Keywords: Causes, impacts, unwanted, pregnancy, adolescents

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