The Effect Of Giving The RASTTLE Formula (Beras Tempe ToloLele) Towards The Recovery Of Nutritional Status Of Malnutrition Toddlers In Tasikmalaya Sub-District

Sulistyoningsih H Fitriani S Susanti S


Tasikmalaya District Health Service noted that in 2014, more than 6,000 children under the age of five (toddlers) had been diagnosed to have dystrophy, and there were 169 toddlers who were suffering from malnutrition. An untreated malnutrition can increase toddlers and children death rates, decreasing quality of life, disruption of growth, and mental development disorders. For this reason, efforts are needed to restore the nutritional status of malnourished children through appropriate high nutritional feeding. The formula for giving the formula consists of rice, tempeh, tolo beans and catfish (or RASTTLE in Indonesian acronym) towards the recovery of nutritional status of malnutrition toddlers in Tasimalaya sub-district. The study was conducted in four subdistricts in Tasikmalaya sub-district. The study sample consists of 20 toddlers with poor nutrition divided into case and control groups. As many as 10 toddlers got PMT recovery and also got the RASTTLE formula (case group) and 10 toddlers only got PMT recovery without the RASTTLE formula (control group). Respondents in this study were all mothers or caregivers of toddlers who were sampled. The variables measured include the nutritional status of children by using weight / height index. The results showed that before getting treatment, the mean weight and height index of the case group was -2,344 while the index mean of weight and height in control group toddlers was -2.8640. After three months of treatment, the average changes in weight and height index for toddlers who got the RASTTLE formula (case) is up to 1.611, while the in group that doesn't get the RASTTLE formula (control) is up to 0.244. Thus, there is the effect of giving RASTTLE formula for the recovery of nutritional status of malnourished children in Tasikmalaya Regency (p = 0.001). RASTTLE formula can be developed as an alternative formula to help restoring nutritional status in malnourished children. In order for foods made from RASTTLE basic ingredients can be received and consumed by food suppliers, the creation is needed in the food making process and presentation.


Malnutrition toddler, RASTTLE Formula

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