Wuri Ratna Hidayani


Abstract Tuberculosis is an infectious diseases with an agent Mycobacterium tuberculosis with attachks the lung organs. In 2011 the prevalence of Indonesian population diagnosed with pulmonary TB by health workers in West Java was 0,7%. In 2018 in the Health Departement recorded average of around 800 cases of tuberculosis found in Tasikmalaya region for the past 3 years [1]. The purpose of this study was to determine the results lt of to knowing tuberculosis screening in Tasikmalaya district. In addition to knowing the relationship between age, sex, source of finding, type of PMO, th results of the examination with the incidence of pulmonary TB in Tasikmalaya District in 2019. This study was an observational analytic study were all people who were sceened in Tasikmalaya regency Januari 2019. The sample of this study was that people who were screened for phlegm aged 1-75 years were selected based on inclusion criteria in totality sampling and purposive sampling in January 2019. They were reffered to pulmonary TB screening test in the form of smear test, TCM, test rongent, mantoux test as many as 279 people. Data was collected from the results of health center screening checks in Tasikmalaya District, Tasikmalaya Hospital and Singaparna Medical Center wich were recorded by pulmonary TB cadres of the Institute of Health Nahdlatul Ulema Tasikmalaya Regency January 2019. Data analysis used were univariate and bivariate and multivarate. The result of this study indicate that screening used the BTA test has a sensitivity of 93,33%, spesivisity of 92,22%, Positive Predictive value of 66,66%, Negative Predictive value of 98,8%. In TCM test sensitifity of 92%, spesivity of 98,37%, Positive Predictive value of 92%, Negative Predictive value of 98,37 % with p= 0,00. Bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between age, sex, source of finding, type of PMO, the results of the examination with the incidence of pulmonary TB. Age (RR= 2,03; CI 95%= 1,15-3,57; p= 0,01), sex (RR= 1,59;CI 95% = 0,95-2,63;p= 0,03); source of finding (RR =2,69; CI 95%=1,19-6,06); type of PMO (RR=0,14; CI 95%= 0,10-0,200; p=0,00); the results of the examination (RR= 58,4; CI 95%= 18,847-181,06; p=0,00). Multivariate analysis showed the source of case finding (p=0,021) and the result of examination (p=0,036) significant with pulmonary TB. The conclusion of the best screening test for sensitivity and spesivisity is the TCM test. Source of finding was the most dominant factors with pulmonary TB. The recomendations of this study were expected to be more enthusiastic for people in pulmonary TB screening as an effort to prevent early detection of pulmonary TB.


screening for pulmonary TB, Pulmonary TB, TCM, Source of finding cases of pulmonary TB.

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