Hapi Apriasih Tupriliany Danefi


Abstract In the last decades, the population in Indonesia is growing rapidly, placing it as the fourth largest population country in the world. According to the IDHS 2017, contraceptive use among married women in Indonesia increased from 60% in 2002-2003 to 63.3%, the highest increase occurred in the use of injectable contraceptive methods, the use of intrauterine devices (IUDs) decreased over the past 10 years. The right method is needed to reduce the birth rate. Contraceptive use is influenced by several factors, namely social and economic demographic characteristics, attitudes related to the structure and formation of the family, factors related to services, family planning service providers and knowledge about contraception and attitudes toward contraception. Whereas, the suitability of contraceptive use is influenced by family planning requests including goals, age, parity and medical history. The method of this study is descriptive quantitative. The analysis used is univariate analysis. The respondents of this study were all active family planning program acceptors, using sampling techniques with a total sampling of 488 active acceptors of keluarga berencana (KB) program. Based on the results of the study, the method of contraception used by respondents showed that injecting was used by 348 people (71.3%), 63 people consumed pill (12.9%), 49 people (10%) for IUD, 23 people used implants (4,7%), 5 people for MOW (1%). Among respondents, there are 307 people in age range 20-35 (62.9%), 169 people are above 35 (34.6%), and 12 people are under 20 (2.5%). The parity of respondents consisted of primigravida with 118 people (24.2%), 340 people (69.7%) are multigravida, and 30 people (6.1%) are grandemultipara. There are 422 of respondents (86.5%) who did not have issue with health and 66 of respondents (13.5%) had issue. Family planning program were delayed for 124 people (25.4%), 248 people (50.8%) limited themselves on the program and 116 people (23.8%) stopped the program. From the suitability of KB use based on analysis of age parity, medical history and family planning goals, it was found that 303 respondents (62.1%) were suitable for using contraception while 185 respondents (37.9%) were not suitable for using contraception. It can be concluded that many injection and pill acceptors still do not fit the criteria and medical feasibility of contraceptive use, namely injecting (76.2%) and pills (23.8%).


Keywords: Conformity, Contraceptive, Family Planning

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