Dewi Murtiningih, Nidatul Khofiyah, Dewi Rokhanawati


Low birth weight has negative impacts towards the baby's health, both short and long term. This occurs by several factors and one of the highest one is caused by anemia. There is substantial evidence of a U-shaped curve that shows the lowest hemoglobin concentration in pregnancy of the second trimester. The effect anemia in pregnancy and the incidence of low birth weight have different results in each trimester. The aim of this study was to analyze further effect of anemia in the respective trimester towards low birth weight. This review has eight stages, including identifying midwifery problems, determining the priority of problems and research questions, determining the framework, searching for literature, selecting articles, critical assessment, data extraction and mapping. Furthermore, with research articles from 2 databases (Pubmed and ScinceDirect) with quantitative methods. Anemia in the first trimester does not affect the occurrence of low birth weight if it does not continue to the later trimester. But anemia in the second and third trimesters potentially affect low birth weight and premature birth, with highest risk if it occurs in the third one.Conclusion: Abnormal hemoglobin concentrations in pregnant women can cause poor neonatal outcomes, namely as low birth weight.

Keywords: anemia, low birth weight


anemia, low birth weight

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