S Susanti, W M Ningrum, H Sulistiyoningsih


Cervical cancer is a significant problem, especially in developing countries in which around 80% of cervical cancer cases occur every year (Ministry of Health, 2016). It is the second most frequent cancer that occurs among Indonesian women. Tasikmalaya has become the city with the highest cancer rates in Indonesia (Ministry of Health, 2018). The general objective of this study is to describe the factors related to the behaviour of early detection of cervical cancer in women of childbearing age (WCA) in the surrounding area of Singaparna Health Center in Tasikmalaya district in 2018. The research method used in this study was a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The population of this study consisted of 5,760 women of child-bearing age living around Singaparna Health Centre. The sample size was calculated by using the Lameshow formula (1991), resulting in 374 samples chosen. The data were collected by using a questionnaire. Then, the data were analyzed by using univariate analysis method. Husbands’ support mostly belonged to the good category with the frequency of 213 (57%). Similarly, the support of health workers mostly belonged to the good category with the frequency of 220 (58.8%). A small number of participants, precisely 18 people (4.8%), had also carried out early detection tests of cervical cancer. Most husbands and health workers had provided good support in terms of examining cervical cancer. However, only a small number of participants had carried out a test of cervical cancer. For the women of childbearing age, this study suggests that they could actively seek information regarding cervical cancer by consulting directly to health workers to have early detection. Health services should provide access to services for early detection of cervical cancer.

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