Doni Setiyawan


Diabetic foot ulcer is one of the serious complications on diabetes mellitus patient. There are three main and important principals in diabetic foot ulcer treatment: infection control, debridement, and off - loading. The infection control can be done using moist dressing that can stimulate and recover the wound fastly. Alternative off-loading can be done using simple tool such as crutch which is easily available with affordable price without decreasing the principal of off-loading. Analyze the effects of moist dressing and off-loading using crutch towards healing of diabetic foot ulcer in patient with diabetes mellitus.The design of this research was quasi eperimental with pre -test post-test control group design. The total number of the sample was 30 respondents that divided into 3 groups. The Intervention Group 1, the moist dressing and off-loading using crutch for 1,83 hours/day. The Intervention Group 2, the moist dressing and off - loading using crutch for 3,19 hours/day and the last group was controlling group. The data collecting technique used non probability sampling with consecutive sampling method and analyzed using paired t -test, one way annova, and linier regression. The scoring assesment of wound recovery used Bates Jansen Wound Assessment Tools (BJWAT). The score of BJWAT between Intervention Group 1 and Intervention Group 2 is p=0.049. The score of BJWAT between Intervention Group 1 and Controlling Group is p=0.256. The score of BJWAT between Intervention Group 2 and Controlling Group is p=0.650. Moist dressing and off-loading using crutch has affected the recovery of diabetic foot ulcer on proliferation phase. Moist dressing and offloading using crutch is one of the most influential factors towards the recovery of diabetic foot ulcer compared to the peripheral vascularity, blood glucose, and nutritional status.

Keywords: Diabetic foot ulcers, Off-loading, Moist dressing, BJWAT, Wound recovery

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