Siti Fadlilah, Fransiska Lanni


In Indonesia, especially in Yogyakarta Special Region, most of the areas are strongly influenced by active volcanoes, which still occasionally erupt. Knowledge about volcanic eruptions is essential for the residents, because it would relate with residents’ preparedness in a time of volcanic eruption. If the residents’ knowledge and preparedness is good, it would prevent so many casualties. The aim of this study to determine about knowledge and preparedness in facing up Merapi Mountain eruption in Yogyakarta This was a quantitative observational research used a cross sectional approach. The research samples were 95 who lived in Gondanglegi, Wedomartani, Yogyakarta. They were selected using an accidental sampling technique. A bivariate analysis was conducted using Somers’ D test. The majority of residents were males (39 respondents or 41.1%). Most of the respondents were between 46-55 years old (41 respondents or 43.2%). Most of the respondents had good knowledge (70 respondents or 73.7%). Most of the respondents have sufficient preparedness (63 respondents or 66.3%). Results of the bivariate analysis on the correlation between knowledge with preparedness facing up Merapi Mountain eruption in Yogyakarta showed a p-value = 0.001 (p<0.05). Bivariate analyzed between age and gender with knowledge and preparedness are p-value 0.491 and 0.854. Bivariate analyzed between level of education with knowledge and preparedness are p-value 0.020 and 0.017. There were no relationship between age and gender with knowledge and preparedness.There was a relationship between level of education with knowledge and preparedness. There was a correlation between knowledge level and preparedness facing up Merapi Mountain eruption in Yogyakarta.

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