Khusnul Musarofah, Nur Alvira Pasca Wati, Naomi Nisari Rosdewi


Klaten is one district that has endemic of DHF. One factor that can influence the enhancement of DHF is the high vector density of the Aedes Sp. mosquitos. Based on the data from Public Health Center, also based on the HI values, Bayat Sub District has the high category risk on the transmission of high DHF. The aim of this study to find out whether there is a correlation between density of Aedes Sp. mosquitos with prevalence of DHF. This research is a case control and sample of this research is all houses in Wiro, Paseban, and Krakitan villages. The number of sample is 52 houses which are divided into two categories, namely 26 for case and 26 for control. Sampling technique is purposive sampling. Data is analyzed using univariate and bivariate through Chi-square and U-Mann Whitney T-test ( = 0.05). Based on univariate analysis, the level of mosquito eggs density based on OI case and control is included in high and medium categories. Larval density of Aedes Sp. based on HI is included in high category, while based on CI and BI is included in medium and low categories. The density of Aedes Sp. mosquito based on MHD with mean rank in the case is higher than in the control. Based on bivariate analysis: OI have p-value 0.575 > 0.05, and CI have p-value 0.052 > 0.05. For inside MHD value is p-value 0.079 > 0.05 and outside MHD value is p-value 0.223 > 0.05. There is no correlation between the vector density of Aedes Sp. with prevalence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).

Keywords : density, Aedes Sp. mosquitos., Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, prevalence

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