Yelli Yani Rusyani, Rizka Ayu S, Arum Kurnia S, Apriliana Hapsari, Farissa Fatimah, Endang Nurul S, Deni Meutia Lila Retnani, Novi Indrayani,


Respati University in Yogyakarta (UNRIYO) has almost 70% of lecturers and employees. This situation requires serious attention from stakeholders at UNRIYO. There needs to be a comprehensive understanding of the rights of women workers based on their reproductive and production functions. Aim of this study was to create a lactation room that is able to accommodate the needs of female workers. This community service was conducted through a survey with 57 respondents, talk shows and hearings about the expectations of lecturers, employees and policy makers at Unriyo. Knowledge of respondents about exclusive breastfeeding: strongly agreed on breastfeeding only until the age of 6 months (87.7%), breast milk protects babies from disease (86%), breast milk as natural birth control (50.9%), breast milk as nutritional intake ( 80.7%) and practical breastfeeding is given to babies (82.5%). Attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding: they did not approve of breastfeeding only at home (52.6%) and formula milk from ages 0-6 months (49.1%). Very helpful for the mother (84.2%), breast milk for 6 months had fulfilled the baby's nutrition (47.4%) formula milk and Mother gave milk to the child by milking and storing milk in the refrigerator or freezer (71.9%). Work environment support for respondents: most of them disagree with the facilities provided by Unriyo (70.2%), most strongly agreed that Breastfeeding counselors were needed to support services in the lactation room (50.9%) and procurement of exclusive room programs for exclusive breastfeeding (84.2%). Most of the respondents as educators with married marital status have good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding, agreeable attitude about exclusive breastfeeding and support the work environment for breastfeeding working mothers. UNRIYO provides and supports exclusive breastfeeding by providing lactation room for only limited facilities and resources.

Keywords: women's labor rights, breastfeeding, lactation room

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