Venny Vidayanti, Dewa Ayu Arysta Pratiwi


Pregnancy anxiety is a common disorder occurred in the third trimester especially in High risk pregnancy. The psychological burden on a high risk pregnant woman can affect both babies’ and mothers’ condition. It has negative impact on the outcome of pregnancy. Social support is an essential factor to improve the wellbeing of mothers and babies during pregnancy. It provides emotional, material, and information support to relieve pregnancy anxiety. The aim of the study was to determine the correlation between social support and anxiety among high risk pregnant women in third trimester at Panembahan Senopati Bantul hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This cross sectional study was conducted on 63 high risk pregnant women in third trimester. Purposive sampling was conducted in this study. Data collection tools included validated social support questionnaire and Zung Anxiety Rating Scale. The data collected was analyzed using the Spearman correlation coefficient. The results showed that social support had a negative correlation with anxiety level among high risk pregnant women (r = -0,353; P value= 0,005). Results of regression analysis revealed that social support influencing anxiety in 12.3%. Social support plays an important role on anxiety among high risk pregnant women in third trimester. The higher the social support provided, the lower the anxiety score of pregnant women occurred.

Keywords: social support, anxiety, high risk pregnant women

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