Rizky Erwanto, Dwi Endah Kurniasih, Thomas Aquino Erjinyuare Amigo


Elderly is an at risk population because it experiences some decline in function in the body. The increasing of the elderly population is a concern of the government and society. The high number of elderly people is a challenge for the elderly to remain healthy, active and productive so that the health status of the elderly does not decrease. One of the activities that can be done in the community to contribute to the health of the elderly is through informal education, namely the elderly school. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the elderly school towards the health status of the elderly. This was an experiment with pre and post test without control group design. The sampling technique used quota sampling which attention to inclusion criteria totaling 33 elderly. The researcher used the SF-12 instrument to measure the health status of the elderly. Data from the groups were compare with a t-test paired. Based on the bivariate test results to test the effectiveness of the implementation of the elderly school on the health status of the elderly using the Paired t test with a p value of 0.004 (p value <0.05). There is an increase in the mean value of 0.72 points before and after the implementation of the elderly school. There are significant differences in mean values before and after the elderly school so that the implementation of the elderly school is effective towards improving the health status of the elderly

Keywords : Elderly, Elderly School, Health Status

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