Himmatul Mardiah, Ayu Fitriani


Kasihan 1 Health Center was a health center that had highest severe underweight case in Bantul at 2009 as many as 20 cases of toddlers. However, since Gerakan Orang Tua Asuh Lokal (GOAL) program was held, cases of severe underweight experienced a very significant decline, namely in 2011 as many cases as 7 toddlers, and in 2016 as many cases as 3 toddlers. The study was aimed to explore implementation of Gerakan Orang Tua Asuh Lokal (GOAL) program toward reduction of severe underweight cases in work area of Kasihan 1 Health Center.The study was conducted at Kasihan 1 Health Center. This study is qualitative with a case study approach. Informants were taken by purposive sampling method, consisting of key informants were 3 people, namely nutrition officer, doctor, midwife. And 4 other informants, namely head of administration, cadres, mothers of malnourished children. Data collection used in-depth interview techniques. Data Analysis used content analysis. GOAL program at Kasihan 1 Health Center consist of several routine activities that were often carried out by officers and communities such as voluntary donations of coins in each activity, cooperation with TK Alhamdulillah to accommodate underprivileged malnourished children, and various other routine activities such as home visits and free treatment at health center for malnourished children. Conclusion of this study is The GOAL program succeeded in reducing the number of malnutrition due to routine activities carried out, namely free treatment of health center, day care for children, and alms coins.

Keywords : gerakan orang tua asuh lokal, severe underweight, prevention program

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