R Putri, R Nuzuliana, H F Kurniawati


Stunting defined as growth failure in childen under the age 5 years caused by chronic malnutrition thus children have low height-for-age. Stunting has a negative impact on the children later life, like disruption of brain development, cognitive development, growth faltering, and low immune system. Management stunting to improved nutritional status and cognitive is needed to reduce the negative impact of stunting on children. This review aims to identified management of stunting that might be possible improved children nutritional status and cognitive. Literature searching on 2 databases, Pubmed and Sciencedirect. Articles were systematically selected consistent to the topic of management stunting. Steps on writing the review were carried out in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. 1012 articles identified from 2 databases, 15 articles that met inclusion criteria were included. Adding zinc to vitamin A, afford multiple micronutrient, and provide health education to mother increased children height and height-for-age. Provide omega-3 less effective to improved children cognitive. Management of stunting is important to prevent the negative impact of stunting to children, needs contributions from various related parties to overcome the problem of stunting. Provide health education and responsive stimulation to mother gradually can be the first step to improved children nutritional status and cognitive.

Keywords: stunting, vitamin A, micronutrient, health education.

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