Ni Kadek Wewin Rasmeiyanti, Adi Sucipto, Nazwar Hamdani Rahil


An increase in blood glucose level can raise the risk of prediabetes incidence, especially in elderly persons due to aging, therefore they are susceptible to suffering diabetes mellitus. This can be prevented non-pharmacologically, that is, by consuming roselle flower tea and blue pea flower tea, which can lower blood glucose levels and are safe to be consumed due to their naturalproperties.To determine the effectiveness of roselle flower tea and blue pea flower tea consumption on blood glucose level in elderly persons in Malangrejo Hamlet Integrated Health Service Post, Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The metode is quasi-experiment research with a pre and post-test nonequivalent control group design. The research was conducted between 13-30 April 2019, with 36 respondents involved as samples. The samples were selected using a simple random sampling technique, and the data collected were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test, Paired T-Test, and MannWhitney U test. The Respondents in the roselle tea group had a median pre-test random blood sugar (RBS) value of 122 mg/dl and post-test RBS value of 112 mg/dl, whereas in the blue pea flower group, the median pre-test RBS value was 137.8 mg/dl and the post-test RBS value was 125.6 mg/dl. The control group had a median pre-test RBS value of 118.5 mg/dl and post-test RBS value of 124.5 mg/dl. Results of the Wilcoxon test on the roselle group showed a p-value = 0.015 and in the control group, the p-value = 0.346, whereas the paired t-test results on the blue pea group showed a p-value = 0.002. Results of Mann-Whitney U-test on the roselle group showed a p-value = 0.015 and in the blue pea-control group, the p-value = 0.371, whereas, in the roselle-blue pea group, the p-value =0.506. There was a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test RBS in the roselle group and blue pea group but there was no significant difference in the post-test RBS value between the roselle group and the blue pea group.

Keywords: Roselle, Blue pea, RBS

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