Muflih, Istianna Nurhidayati, Sang Ayu Made Adyani


Elderly people with hypertension need non-pharmacological interventions that can help stabilize blood pressure, as part of long-term care. The main objective of this study was to reduce blood pressure for elderly patients in social care institutions through implementing complementary care modifications using a participatory action research process. The design of this study is a mixed research triangulation method, which involves the use of quantitative and qualitative methods through participatory action research methodologies to develop evidence-based complementary nursing interventions. This intervention model was tested in 7 elderly people who were at least 60 years old. The nurse including the researcher chose the elderly group to facilitate the process of participatory action research to develop, implement and evaluate a modified model of complementary nursing intervention, consisting of; acupressure and relaxation techniques, for 6 days. The process of participatory action research is produced; decreased blood pressure for patients, reduced complaints of dizziness, increased comfort and increased satisfaction with complementary nursing care activities provided. Implementation of acupressure and relaxation techniques in groups can increase social interaction, self-care ability in stabilizing blood pressure and maintaining the ability of daily activities for the elderly. This study shows the efficacy of a complementary nursing modification intervention in reducing blood pressure for elderly patients with hypertension.

Keywords: Alternative Intervention; Acupressure; Blood Pressure; Older Patients

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