Sugeng Hadisaputra, Dewi Indrayani


The prevalence of blind people in Indonesia reaches 1%. Data reported by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) states that around 40% of the 3.75 million blind people in Indonesia were school-age children. Blind teenagers must be able to live in a community environment properly and must be able to adapt to the surrounding environment. They were required to be able to live independently. Independence has a great influence on the future of the child, if it is not responded to appropriately it can have a detrimental impact on the psychological development of the child. Basic knowledge and skills for the blind are those that lead to daily activities (activity of daily living). This study was purposed to see Daily Living Skills independency on Visually Impaired Teen in DKI Jakarta. total sampling was used and 64 respondents were obtained with a quantitative approach. Data collected with Assessment sheet and then analyzed. The results showed that of 64 visually impaired adolescents, 31 total blid (TB) and 33 low vision (LV). Based on the independence of the Daily Living skills, most of them were lived independently on activity daily living.

Keywords: daily living, skills independency, visually impaired teen

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