Juda Julia Kristiarini, Syamsul Hadi, Kusnandar, Endang Sutisna


This study aims to examine the relationship of education and exercise (training), access to information, subjective norms with the empowerment of family planning cadres. The study design was a correlational observational type, with a survey approach. The total sample of the study was 220 people, which were taken based on proportional cluster random sampling. Data analysis techniques use path analysis. The results of the study concluded: (1) Training does not directly influence the Empowerment of FPC; (2) Information Access has a direct effect on the Empowerment of FPC; (3) Subjective Norms directly influence the Empowerment of FPC; (4) Training directly influences Subjective Norms; (5) Information Access has a direct effect on Subjective Norms; (6) Subjective Norms are able to mediate the influence of Training on the Empowerment of FPC; (7) Subjective Norms are able to mediate the influence of Information Access on FPC Empowerment.

Keywords: education and training, access to information, subjective norms, and empowerment of FPC

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